
Thursday 30 October 2014

Wood Patterns

For our movie we had to create a movie about the rings on a tree after you have cut down the tree. In our learning we learnt that if the rings on the tree are brown that tell us the bad years and if the rings on the tree is light that tells us the good years. Please leave me some feed back so I know that what to fix up in my movie.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Deron Williams Vs Lebron James

Lebron James is going is going and steps Deron Williams and gets a dunk? This is the NBA playoff championship when two team fight for the championship cup Brooklyn Nets vs Cleveland Cavaliers. Lebron James vs Deron Williams for the MVP.

The 1st quarter has started Lebron goes for two point and he gets it in how, it is Williams turn he goes for a three point and gets blocked by Lebron and gets a run away and gets a big dunk. Now it is the 2nd quarter Williams gets the first two point now Lebron goes for a three point and gets it in.

How it onto the 3nd quarter Lebron gets a dunk over Williams how gets a three point in Lebron with two point in. Now it is the 4th quarter it even 5 seconds left Lebron goes from half way and it is in is over Cleveland Cavaliers has won their 2nd cup Lebron has won the MVP.

Successful Pt Englander

Do you want to be a successful Pt Englander? To be a successful Pt Englander you have to listen to your parent and be respectful to people even if you do not know them.

Listen to your parent can help you through life, you may not know if you really need their advice about be successful or being safe. When a Parent is telling you to do something you should do it right a way even if you do not even want to cause if you do not they can get angry like hulk. Your mum and dad always do stuff for you, so you should do something nice back.   

Being respectful can be a part of your life. If you be respectful to others they will be respectful back to you and you can feel nice about it. Being respectful means be respectful to people things, house and personer thing, like if you know that you are not to touch it don’t because if you do they will not respect you back.

Listen to my parent and be respectful to people is a part of my life cause i can feel nice about myself. So you should do these thing to help you be a successful Pt Englander.

Monday 20 October 2014

Explanation Writing

Do you want to get skin cancer? If not, you need to wear a fully covered hat, sunscreen and sometimes you may need to wear sunglasses.

A hat is a head covering that can be worn for protection against the elements, especially the sun. A fully covered hat can protect your head and your face from the sun. You need a proper hat to go into the sunlight, with a full brem. The kind of hat that is bad for you is a visor because the top of your head is not covered.

Sunscreen is really good for protecting you from the sun at all times including when you go for a swim. Sunscreen is a lotion, spray or gel that you can rub on to your skin and reflects the sun of you. By using sunscreen is adding an extra layer on to you to stop you from getting skin cancer.

Sunglasses are a form of protective eyewear thats was created to protect you eyes from the sun. From 12 o’clock to 2 o’clock it would be a good idea to wear sunglasses because at this time of day it is really hot. If you do not wear sunglasses you can become blind from the brightness of the day light.

Wearing sunscreen, hat and sunglasses can save you from the sun and keep you safe incase you get blind or get skin cancer.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Lebron James Vs Manu Ginobili

Lebron James is going is going and steps Manu Ginobili and gets a dunk? This is the NBA playoff championship when two team fight for the championship cup San Antonio Spurs vs Cleveland Cavaliers. Lebron James vs Manu Ginobili for the MVP.

The 1st quarter has started lebron goes for two point and he gets it in how, it is Manu turn he goes for a three point and gets blocked by Lebron and gets a run away and gets a big dunk. Now it is the 2nd quarter Manu gets the first two point now Lebron goes for a three point and gets it in.

How it onto the 3nd quarter Lebron gets a dunk over Manu how gets a three point in Lebron with two point in. Now it is the 4th quarter it even 5 seconds left Lebron goes from half way and it is in is over Cleveland Cavaliers has won their 2nd cup Lebron has won the MVP.

My Holiday

Waking up up knowing that I have bought WWE2K14. Running to my PS3 putting in the game when i heard my mum from the garden “ Cyrus come and help me.” After i had help my mum i came inside did some chores I went back into the my room to play the game.

When I was playing I played for 4-5 hours and i did not have to do anything play when I heard the phone rang it’s was my cousins they said they will be coming over in one hour. I hanged up the phone and i gave a big sigh and ran to my room and said to myself “ I have got only one hour till my cousins comes.

In the game you have to choose a WWE / WWF / ECW superstar or a Hall of famer. But some of the ECW and WWF superstars are looked. The easters way to unlock a superstay is if you beat and hall of famer and if you will two times in wrestlemania. On WWE2K14 there is two The Rock Old The Rock and New The Rock.

After I played WWE2K14 my cousins came running in my room the take out my game and put Mario cars in. Sometimes I feel like i just  want to hit them kick them out of my room but my mum will get angry at me.